Accuro is delighted to have been able to play a part in supporting a wonderful charitable initiative: the Jersey 2 Africa 4 Football (“J2A”). This programme is a partnership between ‘Alive and Kicking’ – an ethical ball manufacturer and a leading expert in the use of sport to deliver vital health education and their delivery partner ‘The Football Foundation for Africa’. The programme delivers vital COVID-19 and mental health education to thousands of young people from local communities throughout Kenya. The programme also supports employment at ‘Alive and Kicking’ for over 40 adults, ensuring that they are able to support themselves and their families.
At Accuro we are always looking at ways that we can support local communities wherever we have a presence through the location of our offices, clients or charitable organisations that we work with. Our focus when working with charitable organisations is in relation to education, physical and mental health and wellbeing and family.
Jersey has close ties with Kenya and other African countries through people living on the Island, trust companies, banks and other finance businesses and, of course, Jersey Finance.
Our sponsored ball donation benefitted the Stadium Homeless Academy located in one of the poorest regions of Nairobi.